2008年7月14日 星期一

Nokia Morph


2008年6月5日 星期四



撰文/維克特(David G. Victor)、柯倫華德(Danny Cullenward) 翻譯/甘錫安





美國的二氧化碳排放量一向高於其他國家,其實美國的政策制定者可藉由分析歐洲近年來的成果有哪些成功與不足之處,進一步學習如何建立可行的碳減量市場。我們將在本文中探討美國應該如何建立全國性的碳管理制度,包括建立市場的策略以及其他獎勵措施,以鼓勵開發與採用低碳能源的創新發明。 直到最近,對於建立專責機構保護地球氣候的討論,大多著眼於全球層級,一般認為氣候政策要能成功,必須簽署有約束力的國際條約,因為造成氣候變遷的活動遍佈全世界,如果各國政府各自為政,欠缺全球性的協調,產業界只會遷移到法規比較寬鬆的地區。



由於缺乏強迫開發中國家控制排放量的可行方式,因此京都議定書簽署國達成了所謂「潔淨發展機制」(clean development machanism)的共識,在這個提案之下,國際投資人可針對溫室氣體排放量未受強制規範的開發中國家,挹注資金到能夠降低排放量的計畫,賺取碳排放額度。因此,英國企業如果在國內的排放量受到嚴格限制(成本也因而提高),可在中國投資建造風力發電機,風力發電的零排放量,與原先燃煤發電(中國最普遍的能源)生產等量電力的基線排放量(即沒有減量計畫下的排放量),兩者之間的差距就是英國企業可取得的額度。如此一來,中國可獲得外國投資及能源基礎建設,英國企業則可用更低的成本符合環保規範。對工業化國家的公司而言,從海外賺取的額度,通常會比為現有的工廠與基礎設備添加新科技降低排放量,來得更省錢。





由於美國退出京都議定書,歐盟成為遵守這項全面管制計畫中最大的政治實體,因此歐盟對限制溫室氣體排放的努力非常重要。歐洲交易系統擁有最強大的專責機構,交易的額度量也最大,為了減少總排放量的55%(主要來自建築物及運輸工具),歐盟及成員國已經擴大現有的政策來提高能源效率,例如與汽車製造廠協商訂定自願性(很快就會成為強制性)汽車能源效率目標。 歐盟其餘的溫室氣體來源(定義為「工業排放」製造者,包含火力發電廠),總數較少、個別規模較大,因此較容易控制。






如果要對已經享有的資產分配財產權,常見的方式是透過政治發放,而不是拍賣。 這類發放措施有些是政治上的權宜之計,因為這些措施有助於市場起步,否則根基深厚的利益團體(例如煤礦遊說團)會阻礙進展。但如果這些額度全都分配出去,大碳戶和舊技術擁有的深厚根基將成為更大的危險。 在這些前提之下,無怪乎歐盟碳交易市場在短短的時間內,就遇到好幾個問題,多數情況是,各國政府設想的排放許可分配量已經達到過去的底線,卻仍未涵括所有的排放者。但最引起爭議的則是政治經常獨厚特定企業或產業,或是為了推動市場,由潔淨發展機制取得廉價卻有問題的排放額度。舉例來說,極力保護國內煤礦業的德國政府,就分配了太多免費額度給燃煤火力發電廠,這類發電廠業者還向消費者收取業者根本不需支付的碳「成本」。其他國家也有類似的不當獲利行為,包括荷蘭、西班牙和英國等。

原則上,歐盟會審核各國政府的額度分配,防止受惠的公司取得不正當的利益,不過實際上,成員國也有許多政治手段,而且在他們認為必要時絕不手軟。目前歐盟制度預計每五年重新分配許可量,但每次都實施新的發放方式,將導致移除高排碳工業技術更加困難,而這些高碳工業都是排放量的大宗。 實行成功的美國酸雨防治計畫,雖然也是免費分配絕大部份額度,但核心規則維持了近20年沒有更改,這讓市場更容易正常運作。


2008年6月3日 星期二

Microsoft Surface


2008年5月10日 星期六



客家電視台歌-客家世界 詞/曲:黃連煜 編曲:余大豪

就像大雨後个天弓 紅鑼花色高掛在空中
希望摁个世界 多姿多彩 多情多義多笑容
紅男綠女歡歡喜喜 牽手鬧洋洋
這係客家世界 祥人个地方 等汝來聊做英雄

阿公啊 挨弦仔 阿婆就來 唱山歌
句句唱出 客家个智慧

摁係 現代个客家人 世界个客家人
摁有 豐富又精采个 客家文化呦
摁係 快樂个客家人 實在个客家人
摁要 剎忙打拼 共心開創 客家世界 呦呦得呦

鮮鮮个河水 流向那大海
日久他鄉變故鄉 管汝哪位來


2008年5月9日 星期五

好聽的客家歌 - 旅客


好聽的客家歌 - 燕子


好聽的客家歌 - 月光光



添望忒麼介時節捱緊行緊遠 找毋轉自家
田坵底背鏡鮮個圳子 捱等共下覓蛤子
月光光 秀才郎
月光光 秀才郎

2008年4月29日 星期二

2008年3月24日 星期一



Change is one thing you can bank on.

Leon Gettler

March 19, 2008

THE way people bank may look different 50 years from now. True, our basic needs of depositing and saving won't change. But there are forces likely to change the face of banking.

For example, there is the prospect of more retailers setting up banks. Britain's Tesco has a banking business. Last year, in the US, Wal-Mart withdrew an application to open a specialty bank following claims the world's biggest retailer would overwhelm small-town competitors.

This year, in Mexico, it opened Banco Wal-Mart, offering no-frills savings accounts and loans to buy products in the company's stores.

Then there is the growth of banking via mobile phones, something that has been described as a bank in every pocket. Customers can deposit and withdraw cash through a mobile phone operator's agents, and send money to other people via text messages that can be exchanged for cash later at an agent.

In Japan, shoppers have bought $US83 billion ($A89.6 billion) worth of goods online through their mobile phones. And mobile phone companies there are already moving into the banking space. NTT DoCoMo, for example, offers credit because it knows its customers' names, addresses and bank account details.

There is also peer-to-peer lending. Kiva, a web-based nonprofit that helps individuals make loans to small businesses in developing countries, might be the shape of things to come.

This is another reason why these are challenging times for the world's second-oldest profession. And how it manages the change, and connects with its customers, will be fascinating to watch.

Forced by rising costs to increase interest rates beyond the Reserve Bank's official cash rate rise, Australia's money lenders aren't winning many friends. True, they have been more transparent than usual in explaining the costs that have driven up rates by more than the RBA's increases, but the Australian Consumers Association's Christopher Zinn says they have got some explaining to do.

"What exactly are the added costs, by what percentage and over what months?" Mr Zinn says. "They say they are carrying some of the load for customers and expect them to be grateful. But is that 1% of the load, or 50%? It's very hard to know how grateful we should be for their benevolence."

Still, that hasn't stopped the banks rolling out campaigns and efforts to connect with the community. ANZ, recognising debt as a big issue, has introduced a credit card that rewards customers with points for every dollar they repay off their balance.

Commonwealth Bank has its controversial $50 million advertising campaign, "Determined To Be Different".

But National Australia Bank seems to have cottoned on to the problem: Australians don't like banks. It has launched the StarBank brand to capture online customers. StarBank's relationship with NAB will be like Jetstar's links with Qantas - just don't talk about the parent company.

These campaigns seek to create an emotional connection with customers. But they are unlikely to solve the problem.

Melbourne Business School research in 2006 found that Australian banks were poor performers on the customer satisfaction scale developed by Bain consultant Fred Reichheld.

Under the so-called net promoter score, customers are asked a simple question: how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

The answer is then plotted from 0 (not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely). The customers are divided into three distinct groups.

Those who rank a company nine to 10 are classified as "promoters". Those who rank it seven to eight are "passives" - satisfied but unenthusiastic consumers who can be snaffled by the competition. Those who rank the company from one to six are "detractors", trapped in a bad relationship with the company.

Subtract the passives and detractors from the promoters and you get the net promoter score.

Associate Professor Mark Ritson found that Australian banks all pulled up negative scores: CBA, -54; NAB, -42; Westpac, -39; BankWest, -33; St George, -30; ANZ, -24 and HSBC, -8.

In other words, the banks, unlike most businesses, had a majority of customers that disliked them. For example, almost two-thirds of Commonwealth Bank's customers were detractors. While the bank might comfort itself that it has the biggest mortgage market in Australia, most of its customers would not recommend it.

One good reason for this might be that banks are among the most notorious for what Reichheld called "bad profits", the earnings that come from fees when you exceed a credit limit, overdraw the account, pay a credit card one day late, stop a cheque or fail to have enough funds in your account. Bad profits are a huge money-spinner for banks. According to Choice magazine and the Consumer Action Law Centre, banks and credit unions charged households more than $4 billion in fees in 2006. Gouging customers is good business. The only bank that pulled up a remotely positive score in Ritson's study was Bendigo, the self-styled community bank, that scored 7, which was very low compared with BMW's 59 and Singapore Airlines' 39.

To their credit, Australian banks are aware of these issues and are trying to fix them. But they have some way to go and bank insiders say the biggest problem is the culture.

Tim Riches, the managing director of Futurebrand, the outfit behind the rebranding of ANZ under John McFarlane, says retailers have a good platform to open banks because of their ability to package the offering.

Retailers are also better equipped than banks to tap into customers through electronic identification systems and fly-buys. This puts them in a good position to offer services such as basic insurance, credit cards, term deposits and transaction accounts.

And the banks, says Riches, are at a disadvantage because they no longer have an emotional attachment with customers and because Australian banks do not have a history of innovation, apart from perhaps internet banking.

"There would be lots of Australians out there who would be happy to take their business elsewhere if it was easy for them," Riches says.

The likelihood of any threat is diminished by the fact that Australian retailers, when compared with their overseas counterparts, are so appalling.

Players are also unlikely to move into the banking space in this market. That, and inertia.

The banks are only too aware of this. Banking strategists say retailers and mobile phone companies would not be equipped to manage banking's complexities, not to mention wealth management.

They are probably right. But banks will need to rethink their relationships with customers, and become more user-friendly to deal with the changes. Whether they can do it given their culture remains to be seen.




2008年3月21日 星期五

